Review of Perfectly Imperfect: The Art and Soul of Yoga Practice by Baron Baptiste
“This book will shine new light on your journey, ignite your practice with new power, inspire new possibilities for growth, and infuse your life with the grace and confidence you seek.” —Baron Baptiste
I was first introduced to Baron Baptiste over 10 years ago during my first 40 Days to Personal Revolution lead by Tami Schneider and Anne Marie Kramer at Cleveland Yoga located in The Hamptons Luxury Apartments in Beachwood. Although 40 Days to Personal Revolution was required reading for this breakthrough program, Baron provides tools: yoga, daily meditation, diet and personal inquiry to “radically change your body and awaken the sacred within your soul.”
Each of my revolutions – over five of them – has been a mile marker in my life’s journey. So next on my reading list was Baron’s Journey into Power. For me, he was able to make the esoteric easy to understand with his introduction to Baptiste Power Vinyasa – his signature yoga method that marries his lifetime of studying with some of the world’s most renowned yoga masters to his distinctively powerful approach to create both inner and outer transformation for the practitioner. This is the book where I first fell in love with Baron’s writing.
In his last book Being of Power, Baron continued to ask his readers to explore being of power both on and off their mats by accessing a new kind of power – your purpose – and how you relate to everything in your life by an embodied experience of the nine practices to ignite an empowered life through asana, meditation and inquiry.
In Perfectly Imperfect: The Art and Soul of Yoga Practice, Baron takes his readers beyond the foundations of the yoga practice by asking the question what happens in their bodies and minds after they’ve nailed a yoga pose. This is where the true transformation occurs. Getting into the postures is only part of the journey. With his signature insightful and pragmatic approach to yoga and life, readers will learn how to “vinyasa” through their lives with grace, reset when a situation becomes difficult, “be a yes” for their innermost aspirations, give up what they must, follow their intuition, and find their true north.
This book is for anyone who lands a “pose” and ponders… now what?
By: Chris Jankus