Trainer Profile – Baptiste Institute

Yelena Storma

Tier 1: Certified Baptiste Power Yoga Leader

Appleton, Wisconsin, United States

Trainer Bio

I was born in Russia and moved to Ukraine where I got my degree as an electronic engineer. In 2000 I  came to the United State where my yoga journey began. In 2005 I  got my first yoga certification, in 2006 I finished Level 1 and in 2008 I finished Level 2 with Baptiste Institute. By inspiring Baptiste philosophy and his style of yoga, after Level 1 in 2007 I decided to open my own yoga studio to share the gift of yoga with people and with local community to help them find their personal freedom and enjoying their life. In 2013 I started my yoga school 200 Hour Teacher Training following baptiste style.

Reading, travel, cooking and meeting new people a great joy in my life.