Trainer Profile – Baptiste Institute

Diamond Zuchlinski

Tier 1: Certified Baptiste Power Yoga Leader

Allentown, PA, United States

Trainer Bio

Diamond found Baptiste Power Yoga in Washington DC after graduating college and jumped right in, heart first with a regular practice. She took her passion one step further by completing a 200 hour teacher training in October 2012 and Art of Assisting training in January 2013 at Down Dog Yoga in Washington, DC. Diamond is a Certified Baptiste Yoga Instructor through completion of Level 1 Teacher Training with Baron Baptiste in August 2013, Level 2 Teacher Training in October 2014, and Baptiste Art of Assisting in October 2015.

Diamond is a Registered Nurse and an Oncology Certified Nurse (OCN) through the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation. She has been an oncology nurse since 2006, has worked with yoga for cancer patients and completed YCaT (Yoga for people with cancer and chronic illness) training with Jnani Chapman in November 2013 through Integral Yoga Institute.

Diamond offers private yoga and meditation sessions in the Lehigh Valley.  She also teaches free community classes periodically with Lululemon Lehigh Valley.