Baptiste Blog – Baptiste Institute

Baptiste Blog

  • Finding Your Way Back

    Finding Your Way Back

    Life can take us down many roads, some good and others not so much. The decisions we make every day determine the paths we take…  More often than not, when we find ourselves on the wrong path, we’ve managed to get there without even realizing it…

  • Is Intensity or Consistency More Important?

    Is Intensity or Consistency More Important?

    When it comes to achieving your goals, what’s more important… consistency or intensity? Without intensity, you might lack the drive to keep putting one foot in front of the other.  But without consistency, you risk burning too hot and then burning out altogether.

  • Leading Authentically with Total Confidence

    Leading Authentically with Total Confidence

    Is there some kind of “secret sauce” that excellent leaders have, that allows them to step out with confidence, drawing others to them effortlessly? You know the people I’m talking about. They’re confident, sure of their abilities… but they’re not cocky or self-possessed. In fact, when you’re around them, they make you feel better about…