Here’s another meditation prompt for you. This time, we’re focusing on how to slow down and how to be present through the practice of meditation.
Think — really think — about the last time you felt stillness in your mind, body, and spirit. Being still isn’t as easy as we think it is! We live in a world of stimulation. From our phones constantly ringing, to our running list of to-dos, it never ends. It’s no wonder finding a moment of stillness can feel like an uphill battle!
Give yourself the gift of stillness today and set aside 15 minutes for this guided meditation practice. That may not seem like long for some, and for others it may feel like an eternity — but 15 minutes of intentional focus on simply being present can do wonders for your ability to be present with yourself, with others, and with the place you are in RIGHT now.
Try this: Find a comfortable area to dive in and click the image below to begin the meditation video. Go on, you deserve it!